The value of being an IAC member is strengthened by the various activities that IAC participates in, which supports the IAC designation. It is our goal to make all of these available to members everywhere.
These activities and services are as follows:
The IAC -
- Is involved in lobbying government regarding current accountancy and business issues.
- Represents members in public and private sector forums.
- Promotes the recognition and acceptability of the IAC designation, which in turn leads to demand for the services of members in the private and public sectors, and the potential to command premium remuneration packages.
- Provides the opportunity for networking and interaction among business leaders via special interest groups, committees, Centres, functions and Regional Associations.
- Facilitates efforts to promote Equity Development in the business world by supporting the training and education of managers from the broadest spectrum of society at affordable prices; flexible learning paths and career choices and learning support are provided.
- Offers career guidance and counselling to enable suitable entrants to the management field.
- Distributes a journal to members, which informs readers of the latest developments in the management field.
- Provides members with interactive communication with the IAC via its web site.
- Ensures the professional status of the IAC designation through a code of conduct and the application of a disciplinary process should contraventions of the code occur.
- Provides the opportunity for members to remain at the leading edge of knowledge and expertise by the facilitation of reasonably priced “continuing professional education” – seminars, conferences, workshops and consultations.
- All registered Accounting Officers have the status of Commissioners of Oaths ex officio.
- A three-monthly technical up-date for members – which should cover legal and practical, changes facing organisations in the fast-changing local and international business environment. This will be provided digitally, on the IAC’s website.
Prakash Singh @ (021) 761 6211 (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.)
The following initiatives and activities are planned to be introduced as soon as circumstances dictate or permit; they are aimed at increasing the benefits and value of membership and services to both students and members. Your response to our questionnaire will help.
A system of monitored, compulsory, CPD (Continuing Professional Development) as well as practice reviews and monitored training for those members who are, or aspire to become, Accounting Officers of Close Corporations.
Greater and more widespread liaison with other (local and foreign) Institutes and associations – in order to increase IAC’s recognition, accreditation and articulation.
An increase in the frequency and “quality” of conferences, seminars and workshops.